Don't fall for phishing

Don't Fall for Phishing.png

A few of our friends and clients (and our clients are our friends) have sent us emails asking about suspicious messages they've received about their websites recently. 

Phishing activity is up; Security Magazine reports a massive spike in fraud of more than 24% since last November, which includes credit card fraud and identity theft, mostly done by bots.

Here's what to do:

  • Do not click on any links in the email

  • Do not open any attachments

  • Do not send anyone a payment

No matter how urgent they may say it may be. No matter how many exclamation points they put in the email.

Trust your intuition - you know when it doesn't seem right.

How to check:

  • Squarespace may put a warning at the top of the email, like the one in the sample image below; "WARNING: The sender of this form..." -- trust that Squarespace is looking out for you.

  • Look at who the sender is - have you ever heard of that company? If not, Google it. Scammers show up quickly in searches.

  • Is there a sense of urgency in the email, even though this is the first time you're hearing from them? That's a good indicator that it isn't real.

  • If the message about your website doesn't come from Squarespace directly - or from Font Squared - then, you can probably ignore it. If you're not sure, just send it our way.

We're just an email or a phone call away. No exclamation points required. :)

Jean & Iggy Font

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